2310 photos in 1182 spots
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Mount Rundle from Vermillion Lakes
Mount Rundle from Vermillion Lakes
Moraine Lake, Banff
Moraine Lake, Banff
Peyto Lake Overview from Bow Summit
Peyto Lake Overview from Bow Summit
Lions Gate Bridge
Stanley Park
Sunset in Stanley Park
Upper view Wapta Falls, Yoho National Park
Northern view from Granville Bridge, Vancouver
9 o'clock gun, Vancouver
Vancouver Skyline
Autumn in the city
Bow Lake, Banff National Park
Moraine Lake
Mizzy Lake. Algonquin
Smoke Lake Algonquin
March Hare Lake Algonquin
Dizzy Lake, Algonquin
Beaverdam near Dizzy Lake
Sunrise at the Niagara Falls
Sunrise at the Niagara Falls
Rapids in Red Hill creek near Albion Falls
Smokey Hollow Waterfall
Albion Falls
Brant street piet
Brant Street Pier
Brant Street Pier
Beach front RockCrest Resort, Lake Joseph, Ontario