7462 photos in 2418 spots
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Etangs de la Mutche



Cascades du Hérisson

Château de Cheverny

Luma, Arles

Parish close of Guimiliau

Lighthouse 'La Vieille' at the Pointe du Raz, Brittany

Rusty ships

Cascade à Bellegarde

Cascade à Bellegarde

Laon sunset

The spiral of Louvre


MoonRise On Lyon

Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey cloister

Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey cloister

ploumanach light

Stone Lake Vosges

Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey cloister

Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey cloister

Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey cloister

Eiffel Tower from the top of Arc de Triomphe, Paris

Saint-Cado fisher house, Bretagne

Mont Saint Michel

Mont-de-Huisnes German war cemetery

Mont-de-Huisnes German war cemetery

Plage Dunkirk

Plage Dunkirk

Le fort Mahon, Ambleteuse, France