7386 photos in 2415 spots
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Louvre, Paris
Louvre, Paris
Surfspot, Moliets-et-Maa
Petit Palais
Melesse, Britanny fields
Melesse, Britanny fields
Seine river bank, Paris, France
Saint Corentin Cathedral of Quimper
Saint Corentin Cathedral of Quimper
Saint Corentin Cathedral of Quimper
Saint Vaast La Hougue & Ile de Tatihou
View from Arc de Triomphe, Paris
Château Amboise
Castle Le Rocher Portail
Castle Le Rocher Portail
Palais Royal
pointe du hoc
Notre Dame de Bayeux
Notre Dame de Bayeux
Port Grimaud
Nice location - Port de Nice
The sinkhole
Dinan, Jerzual street
Dinan, Jerzual street
Eiffel Tower, Paris
Abbey of Lucerne d'Outremer
Abbey of Lucerne d'Outremer
Abbey of Lucerne d'Outremer
Canada House
Canada House