7462 photos in 2418 spots
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Omaha beach

Omaha beach

European Institutions, Strasbourg

View from Arc de Triomphe, Paris

Toulouse, Saint Etienne cathedral

Pointe du Kador

Melesse, Britanny fields

Melesse, Britanny fields

Louvre, Paris

Louvre, Paris

Louvre, Paris

Saint Corentin Cathedral of Quimper

Saint Corentin Cathedral of Quimper

Saint Corentin Cathedral of Quimper

Château Amboise

Seine river bank, Paris, France

Castle Le Rocher Portail

Castle Le Rocher Portail

Petit Palais

Surfspot, Moliets-et-Maa

Saint Vaast La Hougue & Ile de Tatihou

Mont Saint-Michel from Bridge

Mont Saint-Michel from Bridge

Mont Saint-Michel from Bridge

Eiffel Tower from Parc du Champs de Mars

Palais Royal

Abbey of Lucerne d'Outremer

Abbey of Lucerne d'Outremer

Abbey of Lucerne d'Outremer