7459 photos in 2416 spots
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Plage de la Milady

Coëtquidan, The Triumph of Saint-Cyr

The Stiff Semaphore from Bouyou Glaz

Rue nationale, Pont Wilson, Tours

Rue nationale, Pont Wilson, Tours

Rue nationale, Pont Wilson, Tours

Rue nationale, Pont Wilson, Tours

Rue nationale, Pont Wilson, Tours

Rue nationale, Pont Wilson, Tours

Phare de Cordouan

Eckmuhl lighthouse

St Mathieu

Sacré-Cœur from the front, Paris

Street art in Paris

Fortified castle of Pirou

The Devil's Cave in Huelgoat

The Devil's Cave in Huelgoat

Le Jardin dEau


Houlgate - The Landry mill

Beach view, Saint Hilaire-de-Riez, France

Saint-Servan Beach

Seemannsfriedhof in der Normandie

Pond of Bétineuc

Russian cathedral, Nice


Chambon-sur-Lac (church)

Pleyben parish close

Views on the Sancy