7462 photos in 2418 spots
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La Rance - The beach of Port Saint-Hubert

Views on the Sancy

Views on the Sancy

Graffiti Jean Moulin

Clairmont Abbey

Clairmont Abbey


La Merveille du Mont Saint-Michel

The mill of Saint-Michel (Moidrey Mill)

Rigole du Boulet

Rue de l'Aqqueduc

Château de Galleville

Castle of Montpoupon

Castle of Montpoupon

Castle of Montpoupon

Phare d'Alprech, blue hour

Cannes old harbour

Saint-Denis d'Oléron Beach

Sacre Coeur, Paris

Eckmuhl lighthouse

notre dame paris

Cayeux sur Mer

Phare du portel


Barcaggio harbor

Théâtre Auditorium de Poitiers

Parc and Castle of Bois Cornillé


view of the Pyrenees from the little church of the madeleine

Parlement de Bretagne (Parliament of Brittany)