7348 photos in 2400 spots
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Embarcadère de Saint-Jorioz
Le Palais Bénédictine
Mont Saint-Michel
Musee Unterlinden
Arc de Triomphe, Street View, Paris
Place de la Madeleine
Fishermen's pontoon at Luc-sur-Mer
Le Tréport Lighthouse
Plougrescant, Le Gouffre - The house between two rocks
Plage de Theven
Bir Hakeim bridge, Paris
St Valery House
Saltworks Aigues-Mortes
Fishermen's cabins at Saint Michel Chef Chef
'Embrace of the Tides'
Alone in lavanda
Point Saint-Martin
Quiberon wild coast
Forêt Notre-Dame
Eglise Saint-Georges
Mont Saint-Michel
View on Porte d'Aval from the hights of Porte d'Amont
Lavender blossom at Notre-Dame de Sénanque
Phare de Kermorvan (lighthouse)
Paris, Pantheon
Paon Lighthouse, Brehat Island
Moulin Rouge, Paris
Lighthouse Fécamp
La cour des voraces, Lyon