7354 photos in 2404 spots
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Passerelle du Collège, Lyon
Cathédrale de Metz
Alignements de Carnac
Porzh Hir
Eglise St Joseph
Rocher du saint Julien
Eiffel Tower & Pont Alexandre III from Pont de la Concorde
Embarcadère de Saint-Jorioz
Chambord Reflection
Lighthouse, Cap Lévi
Saint-Lumine de Coutais - Canal du Grand Port
Fishermen's cabins at Saint Michel Chef Chef
Mont Saint-Michel Peer
Petite France
Site de Meneham
View towards Sigale after thunderstorm clearing
Top of Tour Montparnasse -Paris
Harbour mouth of Saint-Valéry-en-Caux, western pier
Rennes - The Confluence Garden
Beach at Wissant
Chambord Bridge
Pont de Bercy
Saint-Malo Sunset
Salin de Girau
Louët island lighthouse
Confluence Museum
Musee d'Orsay view from the other side of the Seine
Cliffs of Champeaux, View of Mont Saint-Michel