7462 photos in 2418 spots
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Porzh Hir

Lighthouse, Cap Lévi

Site de Meneham

Chambord Reflection




Petite France

Mont Saint-Michel Peer

Rennes - The Confluence Garden

Louët island lighthouse

View towards Sigale after thunderstorm clearing

Top of Tour Montparnasse -Paris

Harbour mouth of Saint-Valéry-en-Caux, western pier

Beach at Wissant

Chambord Bridge

Pont de Bercy

Saint-Malo Sunset

Salin de Girau

Eiffel Tower from Bir Hakeim bridge, Paris

Cliffs of Champeaux, View of Mont Saint-Michel

Le cèdre de Bramousset

Musee d'Orsay view from the other side of the Seine

castle view at algajola

Passage du Rouergue

Point to West if Pointe Du Brezallac

Phare du cap Béar

Beautiful cliffs of Etretat

Luma Arles

Institut du monde arabe roof's view