19.027 photos in 7140 spots
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Lower Oder Valley National Park near Alt-Galow
Schwerin Palace
Angelbrücke im Wolbecker Tiergarten
Sunrise at the lake
Eltz Castle
Stadthausbrücke, Hamburg
Baumwipfelpfad Bad Wildbad
Mirror House in Selb (Bavaria, Germany)
Reichstag Berlin
Feindliche Brüder - Hostile brothers
Chilehaus, Hamburg
Alexanderplatz, Berlin
Haselschacher Buck, Kaiserstuhl
Mainau Island, Germany
Parking Garage Frankfurt
Lighthouse Quermarkenfeuer Rotes Kliff, Kampen
Tanzende Türme / Tango Türme (Dancing Towers)
Ellenbogen, Sylt
Wenningstedt wooden walkway
Nymphenburg Palace, Munich
Romantic benches at the lake side - Romantische Bänke am See
Forest around Waldsee Walldorf
Forest around Waldsee Walldorf
Pile dwellings in Uhldingen on Lake Constance
Airglow in Mittenwald