Haifoss waterfall, Iceland
Manuel Becker
Manuel Becker www.manuelbecker.net
Haifoss waterfall, Iceland
Jeff Martin
Jeff Martin www.jeffmartindigital.…
Haifoss waterfall, Iceland
Haifoss waterfall, Iceland
Manuel Becker
Manuel Becker www.manuelbecker.net
Haifoss waterfall, Iceland
Haifoss waterfall, Iceland
Haifoss waterfall, Iceland
FotoFanatic.nl www.fotofanatic.nl
Haifoss waterfall, Iceland
Haifoss waterfall, Iceland
Fabio Milanesi
Fabio Milanesi www.trafoconsult.com/f…
Haifoss waterfall, Iceland
Peer Linder
Peer Linder www.kreuzundpeer.de
Haifoss waterfall, Iceland
Haifoss waterfall, Iceland
Reinhard Prinzmeier
Reinhard Prinzmeier www.herumkommer.de/uns…
Haifoss waterfall, Iceland
Steven Driesen
Steven Driesen www.lightscapes.be
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Iceland Haifoss waterfall

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Haifoss is the third-highest waterfall in Iceland with a drop of over 122m and is one of the country's most impressive waterfalls. The best about it is that there are 2 waterfalls within one scene and even if you are not there for photography, the sound and the view down there are just breathtaking.

Photography Tips

The most important thing about this spot is to take care of your equipment and yourself! There is no barrier. A tripod was already lying in the canyon, and you can't just get down there.

Travel Information

It's not possible to get there without a 4x4 car, which means that this place isn't that touristic. Take road 32 (road 26 is still partly a gravel road which means that depending on where you are coming road 32 could still be faster) until you reach gravel road 332, which is only accessible via 4x4. From this fork, you need about 15 minutes to drive up to the Haifoss waterfall.
If you don't have a 4x4 you can leave your car at the tiny guest house, which is already on the gravel road, but until the fork Haifoss/Holaskogur you can still use any car and walk from there to the waterfall, which is a hike of around 2 hours.

If you get there please make sure that you take care of yourself and stay away from the cliffs. There is nothing that can save you if you fall there for over 100 meters, so don't be silly and risk your life for a selfie (I am saying this for a good reason, seeing people standing as far as they can stand on the edge to get the best possible shot of them...).
Spot Type Outdoor
Crowd Factor Just a few people
Best Timing Summer
Sunrise & Sunset 06:46 - 20:00 | current local time: 11:17
Photo Themes Canyon Landscape River travel Waterfall

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Spot Comments (24)

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Photo Rodolphe
Photo Rodolphe 04.09.2023
I TOTALLY agree with your opinion. However, I think that with "normal" behavior the place is not dangerous. The access road offers very beautiful places to photograph such as Hjálparfoss (waterfall) and Þjóðveldisbær (Viking farm), as well as the beautiful landscape Gjáin (waterfall paradis).
Reinhard Prinzmeier
Reinhard Prinzmeier 07.02.2021
For more images and some info of the two waterfalls Haifoss and Granni as well as views over this waterfall river (Fossá) and a further waterfall down that river, the picturesque Hjálparfoss, see this blog post (in German and English): https://www.herumkommer.de/fossa/
Ka Liu
Ka Liu 17.02.2019
Thanks for such impressive shot
Edward 02.07.2018
These really are amazing shots, Fernando, Manuel. What lens did you each use?
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 02.07.2018
Hey Edward, thank you very much. I used a 16-35mm Zeiss lens on a full frame camera, the Sony A7II. Wide angle is definitely nice for this spot, but it heavily depends on the image look you prefer. I found it hard to find a good perspective with both waterfalls, which is the nice part about Haifoss. So I decided to focus on just the one in front and the flow to the background. Hope that helps you. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
Fernando López Velasco
Fernando López Velasco 06.08.2019
Hi. Thanks, just seen the comment now. I used a Zuiko 12-40
Bruce Kennedy
Bruce Kennedy 27.06.2017
First time on this site, as I plan a trip to Iceland and Faroe Islands for September. Great advice and details that will save me hours of research! My excursion will be predominantly for landscape photography, and the details of location and timing for best images is invaluable. Excellent writing and photography, Manuel!
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 27.06.2017
Thank you dear Bruce for your feedback, really happy that I could help you and save some time. Wish you a great time in Iceland / Faroe and I would love to see some of your favorite spots afterwards, especially from Faroe, because I've not been there yet I would love to visit it within the next years.
Peer Linder
Peer Linder 10.10.2016
Without a 4x4 car you can still do a walk from small guest house 1km away from the ring road. It's a gravel road of course, but we managed to get there with our Hyundai i20. However you have to walk along the street and one-way will need about two hours.
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 10.10.2016
Very good point Peer, I will add this advice to the spots travel details.
Peer Linder
Peer Linder 12.10.2016
One more notice: Officially there was no 4x4 sign on the whole way to the waterfall. It will be pretty hard to get there without one though, but met a Hyundai i10 directly at the falls. Also saw some Asians scratching up the unterbody of their VW Passat car at the most difficult part on the way. Rest of the whole way was more like a typical icelandic gravel road, so it could be ok even with 2WD, especially when dry.
Fernando López Velasco
Fernando López Velasco 06.08.2019 , edited
Hi, I got to the top on a Toyota Yaris. Had to be careful in a couple of spots, but not so difficult to manage. It was dry, of course.
Mitch 16.09.2016
Incredible shot Manuel. I love it! I only just found this website this morning and I haven't been able to get off it. What an awesome community. I am heading to Iceland in a week and I will definitely make the most of your tips and advice. Thanks so much for sharing.
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 16.09.2016
Hey Mitch, I am happy to hear this! If you have any questions about the spots... well, just let me know and enjoy your time in Iceland! I am definitely jealous now ;-) Oh, and good luck with the northern lights!
Anna Bieniek
Anna Bieniek 15.03.2016
Wow, this view is breathtaking!
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 16.09.2016
Thank you dear Anna! It's one of those places where I would say, that standing there is even better than the photo. More than often it's the other way around, but Iceland didn't disappoint me once.
Yoosaf Abdulla
Yoosaf Abdulla 09.12.2015
This is one of my dream locations for landscapes. You have just increased my urge. I need to get crazy rich to get their so hope fortune favours me!!! Awesome Shot Manuel!!! Simply majestic!!!
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 09.12.2015
I think Iceland itself is one dream country for landscape photographers. How expensive are the flights from your country to Iceland? You only need a 4x4 car, maybe a tent and you are ready to go. The country can be expensive, but in my opinion it's pretty cheap if you sleep in the car. There are no entry fees, no expensive restaurants, no parking costs, no additional train rides... just the flight, the car (+ gas) and food, maybe sometimes the camping site to take a shower etc. So don't search for excuses (please don't get me wrong here, that's just what I often do or did when I saw photos from others...) and find ways instead to visit Iceland for yourself dear Yoosaf! ;-)
Yoosaf Abdulla
Yoosaf Abdulla 11.12.2015
Thanks Manual, your words do put me at ease. Appreciate the details and encouragement. OK, so I am going to re-map my dream logistics to Iceland. Thanks once again.
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 11.12.2015
Sure, you are welcome mate! Let me know if there are any questions I can help you with. Maybe we should start a section here on Locationscout where we can list done travels to such countries with the prices somebody payed who did that before. Because for me it would be wonderful to "make such a trip possible" for others (not in terms of money, but in terms of jumping over their doubts and just doing it).
Yoosaf Abdulla
Yoosaf Abdulla 11.12.2015
I would second that!!!
Mirco Gugg
Mirco Gugg 07.12.2015
Great shot of a spectacular landscape.
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 07.12.2015
Thank you very much Mirco! I am glad that you like it! You mean the first one or the one I took of my friend in the fog? We had to come back the next day because in the evening the place was so foggy that we couldn't see the waterfalls... we just heard the sounds and we didn't even know how deep the canyon was. Such a thrilling experience and feeling...
Mirco Gugg
Mirco Gugg 08.12.2015
I meant the first one. The scenery is simply breathtaking... "out of this world!" But the second photo (the foggy one) is also pretty cool... and a great story. Yes I believe you. That was certainly a special experience.

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Thank you Manuel Becker for creating this photo spot in Iceland and Jeff Martin, Marc Sharp, Michael Betz, JU., Christian BARRET, FotoFanatic.nl, Joha, Davy Broecke, Fernando López Velasco, Fabio Milanesi, Peer Linder, Reinhard Prinzmeier, Steven Driesen, Mia Pflieger for improving it with additional photos or content.
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