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Iceland Skogafoss waterfall in South Iceland

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Spot Type Outdoor
Crowd Factor Lots of people
Best Timing Sunset
Sunrise & Sunset 08:43 - 18:19 | current local time: 13:48
Photo Themes Waterfall

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Spot Comments (2)

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Gunnar Heilmann
Gunnar Heilmann 27.05.2016
why do you post several spots that already exist ? within a view meters? thats nooooo help to people like who look for great spots .. thats missleading! if it matters i agree but the angle is no relly different and you did not explain why you think the different vantage point is better over the other !
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 31.07.2016
Thanks for paying attention dear Gunnar! We will definitely take care of this and make sure that it's easier and more benifitial for everyone in the future to use just one spot.

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Thank you Imants for creating this photo spot in Iceland and Andriy Yagensky for improving it with additional photos or content.
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