119 photos in 57 spots
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Residential area close to Minska shopping centre

Latvian academy of science viewpoint

Latvian academy of science viewpoint

The finger of Moscow

Laima Clock

Riga from a drone

Riga from a drone

Riga from a drone

Riga from a drone

Riga from a drone

Ovisu Lighthouse

Great Kemeri Bog Boardwalk

Great Kemeri Bog Boardwalk

Great Kemeri Bog Boardwalk

Great Kemeri Bog Boardwalk

Great Kemeri Bog Boardwalk

Great Kemeri Bog Boardwalk

Great Kemeri Bog Boardwalk

Lake Lubāns

Lake Lubāns

Lake Lubāns

Engures Bird Lake

Engures Bird Lake

Engures Bird Lake

Engures Bird Lake

Sikrags Beach

Sikrags Beach

Sikrags Beach

Teirumnīku Ezers Bog

Krāslava Daugava View