119 photos in 57 spots
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St. Peters Church, Riga

Skyline Riga

Karosta Forts, near Liepaja, Latvia

Majori beach

Majori beach

Riga Old Town

Bridge to the TV Island

Old Town Of Riga

Akmens Tilts / Stone Bridge

Old Town Of Riga

Great Kemeri Bog Boardwalk

Old Town Of Riga

Sikrags Beach

The National Art Museum in Riga

Old basilica in Aglona

The National Art Museum in Riga

Daugavpils fortress

Great Kemeri Bog Boardwalk

Kemeri National Park in Latvia

Skyline Riga

Great Kemeri Bog Boardwalk

Riga Harbour

Akmens Tilts / Stone Bridge

Bernāti Beach

The Venta Rapids in Kuldiga

Medieval castle ruins, Rezekne

Riga from a drone

Jūrkalne Beach

Sikrags Beach

Sikrags Beach