492 photos in 148 spots
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Rakotzbrücke (Devil's Bridge)
85.69 km to location

Leipzig Zoo
94.64 km to location

Hinterhermsdorf Church
52.2 km to location

Kleinsteinhöhle - Rock
48.95 km to location

Kleinsteinhöhle - Rock
48.95 km to location

König Johann Memorial, Dresden
6.16 km to location

Altmarkt, Dresden
6.41 km to location

Ferdinandstein Back View
31.76 km to location

View from Pfaffenstein
35.5 km to location

Albrechtsburg Castle, Meißen
16.57 km to location

Herold Church (Drone)
64.2 km to location

Herold Church (Drone)
64.2 km to location

Burg Scharfenstein (Drone)
58.65 km to location

Burg Scharfenstein (Drone)
58.65 km to location

Burg Scharfenstein (Drone)
58.65 km to location

Burg Scharfenstein (Drone)
58.65 km to location

post mill
76.61 km to location

post mill
76.61 km to location

Bayerischer Bahnhof Leipzig
93.04 km to location

57.88 km to location

Theaterplatz, Chemnitz
57.27 km to location

Theaterplatz, Chemnitz
57.27 km to location

Leipzig Augustusplatz North
93.4 km to location

Leipzig Augustusplatz North
93.4 km to location

93.48 km to location

Leipzig Augustusplatz North
93.4 km to location

Semperoper, Dresden
6.1 km to location

Neues Rathaus taken from Burgplatz, Leipzig
93.85 km to location

Bootssteg Störmthaler See
83.9 km to location

Bootssteg Störmthaler See
83.9 km to location