Here are 61 photo spots in Antwerp for you.

Antwerp sits on the River Scheldt in the Flemish region of Belgium. The country’s second-largest city was once the most important city in Europe due to its bustling port. Still the 2nd largest port in Europe, much of the mainland's goods come and leave through Antwerp, including half of the world’s diamond supply.

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Tips for your trip to Antwerp

About the location

Now the city is known for its architectural contrasts, rich history, and effortlessly cool vibe. Street photographers flock to the city, where the perfect shot is always just around the corner.

Antwerp is an exciting mixture of the very old, with its historical medieval center, to the unmistakably modern, with its flashy glass buildings and museums.

Walk along the Scheldt River to catch a glimpse of the industrial side of the city, stopping to marvel at the Antwerp Port Authority. This one-of-a-kind building is shaped like a diamond, featuring sharp angles and walls of geometric windows. Stop by at night, when it glistens.

In the old harbor, Antwerp’s MAS museum sticks out with its unique red sandstone and glass panels. Its rooftop has a free viewing platform with panoramic views of the surrounding city. Bike across the river through the stark white and modern pedestrian and bike Park Spoor Noord Bridge.

Antwerp Central Train Station is easily one of the most romantic and beautiful in Europe. An eclectic mix of architectural styles resulted in a cavernous gilded iron and glass train hall with ornate ceilings, detailed marbled floors, stone walls, and an abundance of natural light. The Den Bell Tower is a favorite spot for photoshoots due to its 12-story spiral staircase painted in aquamarine hues.

Lose yourself in the city’s historical heart, with the characteristic quoined Flemish rooftops and red-bricked buildings, and narrow cobblestone streets. Grote Markt is the town center, with the town hall, Brabo Fountain, guildhalls, and busy cafes. A short walk away, the Gothic style Cathedral of Our Lady towers over the rest of the old town.


As a busy port city, Antwerp is always brimming with life and culture. Since many people live and work here, it doesn’t have an off-season that empties the city like many other travel destinations. This means the famous nightlife is always bumping and there is always something to do. Winters are known to be cold, windy, and wet but their cozy bars are always there to welcome in visitors.

Arriving by train to the beautiful Central Train Station from close-by cities is quick and easy. The city center is compact and you can learn the city’s history on a leisurely walk. The city’s trams and busses take you anywhere else you need to go. Rent a bike to travel along the river like a local and see the unexpected angles that the industrial riverfront offers.

Other languages

Here is how Antwerp is called in other languages:
CS Antverpy DE Antwerpen EL Αμβέρσα ES Amberes FI Antwerpen FR Anvers HI एंटवर्प HR Antverpen IS Antwerpen IT Anversa JA アントワープ NL Antwerpen NO Antwerpen PL Antwerpia PT Antuérpia RU Антверпен SV Antwerpen TR Antwerp ZH 安特卫普

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