Here are 35 photo spots at Cologne Cathedral for you.

One of the most well known buildings and impressive architecture in Germany is without a doubt the Cologne Cathedral. The cathedral is the landmark of the million city at the Rhine, which is also famous for Cologne carnival.

latest contributors
Klaus L. Maximilian Lehrke Stefano Paterna Ali Dawi Rainer Strang

Tips for your trip to Cologne Cathedral

About the location

There are a lot of great places to take a photo from this historic building along the other side of the Rhine, because it can be seen from far away and is still recognized within your photos due to the two peaks. The most iconic place is definitely the view near Hohenzollern Bridge with the Rhine in the front or the view from Triangle Tower, which is just nearby.

Best timing

Cathedral Illumination: Occasionally, the Cologne Cathedral is illuminated with colorful lights during special events or festivals, such as the annual Kölner Lichter (Cologne Lights) fireworks display or during the Christmas season. Photographers can capture the stunning sight of the illuminated cathedral against the night sky.


Parking in the streets of the city is pretty tough. If you want to get there by car you should search for parking garages nearby. For example the is one just under the Cologne Cathedral you can use when you want to visit this place in the center of the city.

Other languages

Here is how Cologne Cathedral is called in other languages:
CS Kolínská katedrála DE Kölner Dom EL Καθεδρικός Ναός της Κολωνίας ES Catedral de Colonia FI Kölnin tuomiokirkko FR Cathédrale de Cologne HI कोलोन कैथेड्रल HR Kölnska katedrala IS Dómkirkjan í Köln IT Cattedrale di Colonia JA ケルン大聖堂 NL Dom van Keulen NO Kölnerdomen PL Katedra w Kolonii PT Catedral de Colônia RU Кёльнский собор SV Kölnerdomen TR Köln Katedrali ZH 科隆大教堂

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