163 photos in 74 spots
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View of Basel Münster during Herbstmesse, Basel Switzerland
489.57 km to location
Manhole cover with a dove of peace, Münster
0.14 km to location
Alte Kanalüberführung
9.32 km to location
Alte Kanalüberführung
9.32 km to location
Castle of Münster
0.93 km to location
Germania Campus
2 km to location
Vosges From ABove
434.72 km to location
Münster Sprakel Münsterlandgiro
8.69 km to location
Prinzipalmarkt, Münster
0 km to location
Promenade am Kreuztor
0.6 km to location
Kirschblüte am Servatiiplatz, Münster
0.47 km to location
Dominikanerkirche in Münster
0.19 km to location
Prinzipalmarkt Münster
0.13 km to location
Alter Zoo Münster
1.13 km to location
Münster Kirchturm Liebfrauen Überwasser
0.34 km to location
Prinzipalmarkt, Münster
0.19 km to location
Large Vertebrae (Wirbel)
1.02 km to location
Max Klemens Kanal
10.21 km to location
Kiepenkerldenkmal in Münster
0.22 km to location
State Museum in Münster
0.36 km to location
9.96 km to location
Münster Vorbergshügel
8.01 km to location
Kristiansandstraßen Osterglocken
4.09 km to location
am Horsteberg hinter dem St. Paulus-Dom in Münster
0.18 km to location
Frühling in Münster
0.26 km to location
Alte Kanalüberführung
9.32 km to location
Alte Kanalüberführung
9.32 km to location
Prinzipalmarkt, Münster
0 km to location
St. Paulusdom in Münster
0.14 km to location
Haus Rüschhaus, Münster
5.87 km to location