22 photos in 15 spots
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0 km to location

Fachwerk in Schwäbisch Hall
8.26 km to location

Busstation Schwäbisch Hall
7.73 km to location

Kloster Schöntal - Klostergarten
26.56 km to location

Öhringen Hofgarten
20.73 km to location

Kapelle Heilig Kreuz
26.43 km to location

the alley
11.33 km to location

25.07 km to location

Kloster Schöntal - Klostergarten
26.56 km to location

Öhringen Hofgarten
20.73 km to location

Kapelle Heilig Kreuz
26.43 km to location

Kloster Schöntal - Blick vom Storchenturm
27.15 km to location

Blauer Turm
45.65 km to location

Dominikanerkirche Hl. Kreuz
45.5 km to location

Stadttor Forchtenberg
20.53 km to location

Kloster Schöntal - Klostergarten
26.56 km to location

Kapelle Heilig Kreuz
26.43 km to location

Öhringen Hofgarten
20.73 km to location

Kloster Schöntal - Blick vom Storchenturm
27.15 km to location

Götzenburg Jagsthausen
27.43 km to location

Burg Krautheim
25.72 km to location

Kapelle Neusass
26.73 km to location