Here is 1 photo spot at Oculus World Trade Center for you.

The Oculus at the World Trade Center in New York City is an architectural masterpiece designed by Santiago Calatrava, inspired by a bird in flight, symbolizing hope and renewal.

latest contributors
Jen Adelheid Smitt Kornel Flint GeraldMcBird Jens Siewert

Tips for your trip to Oculus World Trade Center

About the location

As a photographer, you can capture its dramatic design, characterized by a ribbed steel and glass roof that allows natural light to create stunning compositions. The spacious, minimalist interior offers unique perspectives and opportunities for reflections and textures. Surrounded by iconic landmarks like One World Trade Center and the 9/11 Memorial, the Oculus serves as a rich subject that blends architecture, light, and human activity.


The Oculus at the World Trade Center is located in Lower Manhattan, New York City. Here are the details to help you find it:

Oculus, 200 Liberty St, New York, NY 10281, USA

Other languages

Here is how Oculus World Trade Center is called in other languages:
CS Oculus Světové obchodní centrum DE Oculus Welt Handelszentrum EL Oculus Παγκόσμιο Κέντρο Εμπορίου ES Oculus Centro Mundial de Comercio FI Oculus Maailman kauppakeskus FR Oculus Centre Mondial du Commerce HI ओकुलस विश्व व्यापार केंद्र HR Oculus Svjetski trgovački centar IS Oculus Heimsýnishöfuðstöðvar IT Oculus Centro Mondiale del Commercio JA オキュラス ワールド トレード センター NL Oculus Wereldhandelscentrum NO Oculus Verdens handelsenter PL Oculus Światowe Centrum Handlu PT Oculus Centro Mundial de Comércio RU Окулус Всемирный Торговый Центр SV Oculus Världshandelscentrum TR Oculus Dünya Ticaret Merkezi ZH 奥库斯世界贸易中心

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