Here are 305 photo spots in Paris for you.

The capital of France is one of the most romantic cities in the world and offers many great opportunities for photographers. Especially sunsets or sunrises reflect the mood of this city in a very appropriate way. Great themes are for example the Seine, narrow streets with the beautiful architecture of the city and a lot of really nice parks. The Eiffel Tower and Tour Montparnasse offer panoramic views over the city.

latest contributors
Herbert A. Franke Gian Mario Zaino Ricardo Vale Michael Pointner Digikhmer

Tips for your trip to Paris

About the location

Although the summer is a very touristic season in Paris, it's a great time to visit this city because the sunrise is very early and that's usually a good timing to photograph when the "standard tourist" is still sleeping. Otherwise you should look for seasons that are less touristic, because this city is definitely one of the most popular travel destinations in Europe.

Best timing

Paris Fashion Week (February/March and September/October)
Capture cutting-edge fashion and glamorous street style.

Nuit Blanche (October)
A night of contemporary art installations and light displays across the city.

Bastille Day (July 14)
Celebrate France’s National Day with fireworks at the Eiffel Tower and festive parades.

La Fête des Vendanges de Montmartre (October)
A wine harvest festival with parades, concerts, and fireworks.

Eiffel Tower Light Show (Nightly)
Every hour on the hour, the tower sparkles for five minutes.
Please note that the light show is a copyrighted work of art. The photos may not be used commercially.


The best way to get into the center of the city is probably by Metro. Leave your car outside Paris or if possible travel to this metropole by train or plane. Huge cities like this one are always crowded, so don't make the mistake and try to get to known places by car. Please also be aware of frauds at the Metro stations and never let you help to buy any tickets. If you are not sure which ticket to buy always ask people at the Metro desks, even if this may take a while.

Other languages

Here is how Paris is called in other languages:
CS Paříž DE Paris EL Παρίσι ES París FI Pariisi FR Paris HI पेरिस HR Pariz IS París IT Parigi JA パリ NL Parijs NO Paris PL Paryż PT Paris RU Париж SV Paris TR Paris ZH 巴黎

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