16 photos in 10 spots
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1.15 km to location

Kehrwiederturm, Hildesheim
1.29 km to location

Kehrwiederturm, Hildesheim
1.29 km to location

Kehrwiederturm, Hildesheim
1.29 km to location

Kaliberg Siegfried Giesen
9.73 km to location

Hildesheim, Dom
1.17 km to location

Hinterer Brühl
1.29 km to location

St. Michael, Hildesheim Interior
1.14 km to location

Kaliberg Siegfried Giesen
9.73 km to location

St. Michael, Hildesheim Interior
1.14 km to location

Rathaus Hildesheim
0.61 km to location

Kehrwiederturm, Hildesheim
1.29 km to location

Hildesheimer Dom, Interior
1.12 km to location

Hildesheimer Dom, Interior
1.12 km to location

St. Michael, Hildesheim from town center
0.75 km to location

Hildesheim, St. Michael
1.11 km to location