21 photos in 21 spots
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Temple Mount, Jerusalem
7.74 km to location

Mount of Olives
8.34 km to location

Dome of the Rock
7.73 km to location

Chords Bridge
5.08 km to location

Grabeskirche, Jerusalem
7.19 km to location

Felsendom, Old City Jerusalem
7.59 km to location

The Russian Monastery
0 km to location

6.35 km to location

Dormitio-Abtei, Jerusalem
6.96 km to location

Jerusalem Old Town
6.24 km to location

in Jerusalem
7.83 km to location

Shrine of the Book
4.57 km to location

Tower of David - View to the Dome of Rock
6.99 km to location

View of the Dome of the Rock from the Austrian Hospice
7.45 km to location

The Mount Temple, Jerusalem
7.59 km to location

Aish HaTorah Western Wall Viewpoint, Jerusalem
7.43 km to location

New Orleans
11036.05 km to location

Old City of Jerusalem
7.68 km to location

Yad Vashem - Jerusalem
2.18 km to location

Al-Aqsa Mosque
7.65 km to location

The Church of the Redeemer (Belltower view)
7.24 km to location