1098 photos in 354 spots
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Iron Bridge

Astra National Museum, Sibiu

Fundătura Ponorului

Sky Tower, Bucharest

Peles Castle, Sinaia

Happy graveyard

Kornis castle ruins

Black Eagle Passage #2

Vida Lake

Betfia Pit-Journey to the center of the earth

Clisura Dunarii


Turda Gorge

Mila 23

Winter wonderland

Scropoasa Lake

Etnographic Arts Museum

Black Eagle Palace, Oradea

Gura Portitei

Orthodox Church Bobda

50 % Autumn

Minerva Parking rooftop

Barsana monastery (Maramures region, Romania)

Clock Tower medieval fortress Sighisoara

Bucharest, North Railway Station

Deményháza Tree View

Prejmer Fortified Church

View of Oradea city


Black Church