397 photos in 214 spots
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Cafe Eyfel, Istanbul

Galata tower with Karaköy

Ankara Esenboga Airport

Istanbul Airport Atatürk

Ankara, Anitkabir, Mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Ankara, Anitkabir, Mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Ankara, Anitkabir, Mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

You want ice cream?

Inside of the Rüstem Pasha Mosque, Istanbul

Marching together?

Ankara Esemboga

Crowded beach


Lunch break

Old Heroes

Old Heroes

Come and get it!


Ishak Pascha Palace

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul

Blue Mosque, Istanbul

Blue Mosque, Istanbul

empty roads in Cappadocia

holy Tomb on top of the Nemrut Dagi

Farbspiele auf türkisch

Sunset on fire!

lebender Spielplatz

Wildlife Turkey

View over Lake Van