397 photos in 214 spots
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St. Antuan Kilisesi, Istanbul

Blue Mosque

Süleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul

Off the beaten path - Turkey

Off the beaten path - Turkey

Goreme From Above

Yavuz Sultan Selim Mosque from Galata Bridge, Istanbul

Kelebekler, Butterfly Valley


Topkapı Palace

Love Valley Hot Air Balloons

Istiklal Street

Dolmabahçe Palace

Hagia Sofia, Istanbul

The Basilica Cistern, Istanbul

Istiklal Street

Galata Tower

Moda Neighbourhood, Istanbul

Gülhane Park

Maiden's Tower / Kız Kulesi, Istanbul

Maiden's Tower

Seleukeia Ancient City

Side Moschee

Side Harbour

Side Harbour

Side antic city

Apollon Tempel, Side

Apollon Tempel, Side

Apollon Tempel, Side

Manavgat Waterfalls