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The Cajon del Azul gorge, El Bolson

Bridge near Cajon del Azul, El Bolson

Bridge near Cajon del Azul, El Bolson

Laguna Natacion from Refugio Natacion, El Bolson

Laguna Natacion from Refugio Natacion, El Bolson

Mystical forest near Laguna Natacion, El Bolson

Laguna Natacion at Refugio Natacion, El Bolson

Laguna Natacion at Refugio Natacion, El Bolson

Lake between Refugio Hielo Azul - Natacion, El Bolson

Lake between Refugio Hielo Azul - Natacion, El Bolson

Lake between Refugio Hielo Azul - Natacion, El Bolson

Hielo Azul glacier near El Bolson, Argentina

Hielo Azul glacier near El Bolson, Argentina

Hielo Azul glacier near El Bolson, Argentina

Hielo Azul glacier near El Bolson, Argentina

Hielo Azul glacier near El Bolson, Argentina

Hielo Azul glacier near El Bolson, Argentina

Salto San Martín

Viewpoint to Hielo Azul glacier near El Bolson, Argentina

Viewpoint to Hielo Azul glacier near El Bolson, Argentina

Viewpoint to Hielo Azul glacier near El Bolson, Argentina

Suspension bridge over the Rio Azul near El Bolson

Suspension bridge over the Rio Azul near El Bolson

Bridge near the Refugio Hielo Azul near El Bolson, Argentina

Iglesia Compañía de Jesús in Cordoba, Argentina

Iglesia Compañía de Jesús in Cordoba, Argentina

Puente General Manuel Belgrano in Corrientes

Exterior view of the church Iglesia Stella Maris, Posadas

Monumento a Andresito Guacurarí in Posadas

Monumento a Andresito Guacurarí in Posadas