This is WHY and WHEN you really need ND filters or polarizers

This is WHY and WHEN you really need ND filters or polarizers

Manuel Becker Manuel Becker in Tips & Tricks
6 min read
Photo by Manuel Becker

A pretty good and easy way to improve landscape photography is to start using camera filters. It’s crucial to understand though, that some of their effects can be reproduced with Photoshop, while others can’t. Here is why you should own them nevertheless.

Using filters in city- and landscape photography has become pretty popular these days and there are quite a lot of reasons you might not initially think about, why you should also get some if you don’t use them yet. But let's first talk about the different types of filters that are important to know and how they can help you to improve your outcome in various scenarios.

Different types of filters

Filters are made of glass or plastic and can be attached to your camera lens, to add various effects to your photos. While some of them were nearly fully replaced by software like Adobe Photoshop, for example, to achieve different color effects, there are still 2 types that are very useful today.

Neutral-density filters (short: ND filters)

These types of filters are equal to sunglasses because they limit the amount of light, that passes them. They are available in different strengths from a very soft shade to a nearly black version. The less light is passing the filter, the longer you are able to expose your photo. It hardly needs mentioning, that they are mostly used during daytime and especially during sunrise or sunset. Using these filters during nighttime usually makes no sense at all. (if you know a technique or a reason why you should use them during the night, I would love to read about that in the comments below)

Polarizers (or pol filters)

While ND filters filter the full spectrum of light equally, polarizers only filter light waves of specific polarization. In photography, they can be used to remove or reduce reflections from surfaces like glass or water.

5 reasons why filters are so useful

After I started using filters, it was at first like doing a completely different type of photography. I was using them for nearly every photo, because I really liked the effects, that they added to my images. It’s like everything that’s new to you and after a while, you understand when it’s improving your photo and when it’s gimmickry.

#1 Effects, that can’t be reproduced in Photoshop

I guess that’s the most obvious reason to use filters and yet there are a lot of photographers, that don’t buy filters because they think, that they can achieve the same results in post-processing. While this may be true for some of the effects, there are a few that either can’t be reproduced or would need huge efforts to get the same realistic results.

Silky water is one of the benefits you can use as a stylistic method within your photos. Especially the reflection of the water is really hard to reconstruct afterward and if a waterfall contains a lot of rock formations in between the water, it gets even more difficult to achieve the same quality as you would get by simply using a neutral-density filter.

By using a neutral-density filter at this amazing waterfall in Iceland called Aldeyjarfoss, I was able to do a 10-second exposure during the day, which adds this nice contrast between the sharp edges of the rock formations and the soft floating water to the image.

By using a neutral-density filter at this amazing waterfall in Iceland called Aldeyjarfoss, I was able to do a 10-second exposure during the day, which adds this nice contrast between the sharp edges of the rock formations and the soft floating water to the image.

Adding structure beyond floating water is another great reason to use a polarizer. By removing the reflection from the water, you will be able to photograph the riverbed and therefore get some more details within your photo.

Here are 2 nearly unprocessed images, that show the difference between the usage of a polarizer and taking the exact same shot without one.

Without polarizer: The water in the front is too bright due to the reflection of the sky and therefore gets too much attention.

Without polarizer: The water in the front is too bright due to the reflection of the sky and therefore gets too much attention.

With polarizer: Instead of having a bright foreground, we now see nice little waves, that lead the eye of the viewer from the bright castle in the background through the foreground towards the bridge on the right side. The stones in the riverbed are some nice additional details, that are visible now.

With polarizer: Instead of having a bright foreground, we now see nice little waves, that lead the eye of the viewer from the bright castle in the background through the foreground towards the bridge on the right side. The stones in the riverbed are some nice additional details, that are visible now.

Shooting through a glass front (on observation decks etc.) is also worth trying a polarizer, to remove the reflections within your photo. Using a dark blanket around your lens is also a good alternative for this situation, but that’s maybe not always possible.

#2 Saves time in post processing

That’s something especially beginners underestimate quite a lot. By using graduated ND filters you might be able to take a lot of your photos with one single image. Darkening the bright sky with such filters allows you to get the whole scene within one single exposure, which saves you a lot of time of exposure blending in Photoshop. I don’t mind that and I am a perfectionist when it comes to blending photos, so I nearly never use graduated filters, but if you like to get everything within a single shot and if you are not a huge fan of retouching your photos in Photoshop, then these filters are a great choice for you.

This is a perfect example, where a graduated neutral-density filter could have saved me a lot of time in post-processing. The horizon is pretty straight at this spot in Geierlay, so using a graduated filter here is pretty easy and offers the opportunity, to get this result without having to blend multiple exposures.

This is a perfect example, where a graduated neutral-density filter could have saved me a lot of time in post-processing. The horizon is pretty straight at this spot in Geierlay, so using a graduated filter here is pretty easy and offers the opportunity, to get this result without having to blend multiple exposures.

Something I really like though, is using ND filters to remove people from my scenes. I describe several different methods in my post about 5 easy tricks on how to remove people from photos.

#3 Decelerating photography

This is definitely a trend right now and something probably every advanced photographer will appreciate sooner or later. Beginning with photography often makes you want to shoot every object, that might look good in front of your camera. This is a great way to start photography because you get to know your camera and learn different techniques to improve. Especially if photography is a hobby for you and therefore is meant as a pause from your actual job, you will definitely benefit from stopping running from one spot to another and taking as many photos as possible. Filters are something, that will naturally ensure, that you slow down in your photography process because every long exposure needs more time and you need more time in general to set up your camera. By doing longer exposures, you will also have more time in between to enjoy the scene and you will probably take more care of your composition because the amount of shots that are possible during sunset is limited to this small period of time.

#4 Professional look

This sounds so wrong in many ways because filters are definitely not the missing piece of equipment, that’s distinguishing hobby landscape photographers from professionals. However, in my opinion, it’s a very easy way to add something to your images, that’s not possible by using a simple filter in Instagram. While these silky water effects may not be appealing to everyone, it’s nevertheless a great way to set a focus within your photos by removing details from the sky or rivers, that would otherwise grab a lot of attention through their structure. It’s also a great way to create a nice contrast between the sharp rocks of a waterfall and the soft water, that’s forcing one’s way.

The simple usage of a polarizer in combination with an ND filter and a decent amount of post-processing changes the appearance of this image in a subtle way. The ND filter was additionally used to get a longer exposure for the stream. This photo was taken at Runkel Castle in Germany.

The simple usage of a polarizer in combination with an ND filter and a decent amount of post-processing changes the appearance of this image in a subtle way. The ND filter was additionally used to get a longer exposure for the stream. This photo was taken at Runkel Castle in Germany.

#5 Adding new possibilities

For me, every part of the equipment I use and every new technique I learn is kind of a tool in a toolbox, that I am able to use afterward in the fields. Having these opportunities will open up more creative ways to combine different techniques for various places, making your shot more and more unique with your special style and preferences. Limiting yourself as a beginner is crucial in my opinion, as explained in detail in my article about How I drastically improved my photography with just 2 little decisions. The more you advance though, the less you might want to limit yourself, because everything will happen at the expense of opportunity costs.

Now it's up to you and I would love to hear if you are already using filters or what holds you back.

Comments (18)

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alfa bravo
alfa bravo 03.07.2024
It would be very useful a round-up of ND and Circular Polarizing filters as did not update theirs since a decade. A filter can make ghosting and flares even if very expensive while others can be quite "invisible" even if cheap. It's useful to know what kind of cromatic dominance they make and how to compensate in the development process.
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 03.07.2024
Absolutely, good point!
Michael Schubert
Michael Schubert 30.05.2022
All fine, but be aware of blue sky in the motiv using polarizer - that produced dark blue areas you can‘t retouch ;-(
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 30.05.2022
True, but that also depends on how you rotated the polarizer. If something like that happens and you really need it for the foreground I would simply take 2 photos and merge them. But that's again a bit more work, so I guess it depends on the level of harm you want to prevent.
cooldingo 03.06.2019
I have had a polariser for years but don't really use it, after reading your post, I will endeavour to us it more
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 03.06.2019
I had exactly the same situation quite a few years ago and believe me when I say that it made a real difference in my photography after using it more often. Not only with the results, but also because I really like that I have just one tool more that I can work with to capture the photo I imagined. Good luck with trying it!
john pears
john pears 02.06.2019
I agree with everything you say particularly about ND filters. I use Grads and stoppers a lot and a feel it has improved the quality of my images. I think this is mainly because the images are simplified by smoothing of water or, in some cases, clouds. CPL are an essential part of my kit for all types of photography because of the added clarity they give. Although Adobe gives the chance of replicating some of the effects in the lab, I prefer to get the image as close as possible to the desired in the field. Overall I think this improves quality.
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 02.06.2019
Fully agree with your commend as well dear John since I had exactly the same experience. Thank you for your opinion and have a great Sunday! Manuel
David Fisher
David Fisher 07.04.2018
Great to see some insightful photography tips for creative images.
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 07.04.2018
Hey David, glad that you like the article.
Barry Jones
Barry Jones 28.08.2017
Thanks for the great article, have just joined your site and it looks good, hoping to improve my photography. Have just purchased an ND Filter and in the three weeks I spent researching filters, I learned more about my camera than the previous 4 years that I have owned it. Thanks Again
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 28.08.2017
A warm welcome then dear Barry to the platform and thanks for your feedback! I started my photography by just trying everything out, but someday I felt there was a limit by just trying and then reading tons of articles / books really improved my photography by a lot, so I can understand you so well by what you said about your research.
Bren Ruiz
Bren Ruiz 27.08.2017
I felt myself (and my experience of the last weeks, since I started with ND filters) totally identified with every single comment of your very complete article! My photo had a big "jump up" (to my taste) and I'm enjoying and learning from every single euro invested on them. Thanks a lot for sharing and inspiring with these super articles.
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 28.08.2017
Thank you very much for your feedback Bren. I am very glad that you liked the article and that you could agree on what changed for me after using filters.
Gunter Szwoch
Gunter Szwoch 10.08.2017
I am starting to use filters, I been using a polarizing filter for some time but have not used a ND filter. Will try soon and look forward to the results
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 10.08.2017
ND filters are definitely the bigger "game changer" for me, as they allow us photographers to change the results in a very different way. So if you like that specific style of if you want to reduce the amount of multiple exposures that are needed for sunset etc... then I guess you will love them as much as I do! ;-) Would love to read from you again here after you tried them out.
Daryl L. Hunter
Daryl L. Hunter 30.07.2017
My 2 cents. I use split field neutral density filters a lot at sunrise and sunset because of the high dynamic range between sky and foreground; however, I leave them off if there are no clouds as it just makes the sky seem dingy. Nice article!
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 10.08.2017
Thanks for your opinion and your feedback dear Daryl! There are still some situations, that ND filter can help when there are no clouds. For example if there is a waterfall or if you want to remove people from your scene, but then it's definitely a good idea to take an additional shot for the sky if it looks dingy.
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