16 photos in 4 spots
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Mount Rundle from Vermillion Lakes
0.25 km to location
Vermillion Lakes
0.32 km to location
Vermillion Lakes
0.32 km to location
Mount Rundle from Vermillion Lakes
0.25 km to location
Mount Rundle from Vermillion Lakes
0.25 km to location
Vermilion Lake
1.05 km to location
Vermilion Lake
1.05 km to location
Vermillion Lakes
0.32 km to location
Vermillion Lakes
0.32 km to location
Vermilion Lake
1.05 km to location
Mount Rundle from Vermillion Lakes
0.25 km to location
Vermilion Lake
1.05 km to location
Mount Rundle from Vermillion Lakes
0.25 km to location
Mount Rundle from Vermillion Lakes
0.25 km to location
Vermilion Lakes view
0.29 km to location
Vermillion Lakes
0.32 km to location