11 photos in 11 spots
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South Tian Shan Mountain Range, Rajons At-Batschy
5.2 km to location

Tian Shan Mountain Range, Rajons At-Baschy
0.55 km to location

South Tian Shan Mountain Range, Rajons At-Baschy
0.7 km to location

South Tian Shan Mountain Range, Rajons At-Baschy
1.5 km to location

Unnamed mountain, Tian Shan
0.21 km to location

Unnamed mountain, Tian Shan
0 km to location

River veins, Rajons At-Baschy
5 km to location

River veins, Rajons At-Baschy
5.29 km to location

Kyzyl-Asker glaciers, Rajon At-Baschy
88.5 km to location

South Tian Shan Mountain Range, Rajons At-Baschy
1.08 km to location

Kyzyl-Asker glaciers, Rajon At-Baschy
87.18 km to location