9980 photos in 4209 spots
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Pittsburgh Skyline
Battery Park, New York City
LoPresti Park, East Boston, MA, USA
Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe, IL
Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe, IL
In front of the Empire State Building, New York
Mechanics' Institute, San Francisco
Bellagio Fountain & Paris Las Vegas
Windmill Island Gardens, Holland, Michigan
Coyote Buttes South Canyon 2
Court of the Patriarchs, Zion National Park
Buckingham Fountain Skyline, Chicago
Dream Lake
Chicago's Buckingham Fountain
Union Station
Bradford Camps
Sanibel Island
Miami Beach Lifeguard Station
White Pocket Formation 4
Venice Pier, Venice (Florida)
Saint Patrick‘s Cathedral
LaVerkin Overlook Road
Yellow Rock
Miami Skyline
Las Vegas
Rattlesnake Canyon
Northern Lights from Murphy Dome
Monument Valley
St. Louis Cathedral from Washington Artillery Park
Brooklyn Bridge skyline from Pebble Beach, New York City