260 photos in 139 spots
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Puffin at Mykines
Kallur Lighthouse, Kalsoy
Mølin beach, Faroe Island
Mølin beach, Faroe Island
Fossá, Faroe Island
Saksun, Faroe Islands
Fjords Eysturoy
House with roof of grass
Snubbunar and Mylingur
Saksun Church
Akraberg Lighthouse, Suðuroy
View of Kunoy
Road shot of Tindhólmur
Eidhisflogvi Fjord
Eidhisflogvi Fjord
Saksun Church
Mulafossur from bottom
Snubbunar and Mylingur
Puffins at Mykines
Faroe Island, panoramic view from road N.10
Islas Feroe
Ferry Sørvágur to Mykines
Gásadalur panoramic view
Old Postman‘s trail
Gasadalur Cliff
Saksun, Faroe Islands
Trælanípa - Lake Sørvagsvatn
Witches Finger, Vágar